“Make sure to kick some rocks and smell some flowers.” This was something that my father used to say each time before we parted. For me, it means to live life fully while never losing sight of the splendor in the small things. Traveling with my child and working with educators in other parts of the world has cemented that concept for me even further. As I continue my journey as a lifelong learner, I see a world wide open to possibilities. As Maya Angelou said, “The human heart...tells us that we are more alike than we are unalike.”
As a performer, theatre educator, and arts integration leader I am committed to find the commonalities in the human experience, rather than just the differences. I am grateful that I have the opportunity as a performer to share the unique exchange between actor and audience, as well as the great fortune of teaching children and adults the power of this extraordinary medium for the past 20 years. I believe the integration of arts into everyday learning is crucial. It builds empathetic, well rounded, curious individuals who will hopefully take the time to kick some rocks and smell some flowers as they meander along their own path.
As a performer, theatre educator, and arts integration leader I am committed to find the commonalities in the human experience, rather than just the differences. I am grateful that I have the opportunity as a performer to share the unique exchange between actor and audience, as well as the great fortune of teaching children and adults the power of this extraordinary medium for the past 20 years. I believe the integration of arts into everyday learning is crucial. It builds empathetic, well rounded, curious individuals who will hopefully take the time to kick some rocks and smell some flowers as they meander along their own path.