At the center of the maelstrom is the force of nature that is DeAnna Driscoll. Every time you think you’ve seen her take her skills and emotions as far as they can go (most recently, at Cygnet in “The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds,” for which she won a 2017 San Diego Theatre Critics Circle Award for Outstanding Female Performance in a Play), she goes seven steps further. This is a bravura, tour de force performance.
-Pat Launer
-Pat Launer
"The fact Driscoll gives an absolutely committed and layered performance as Beatrice will not be a surprise to anyone who has seen her onstage. Here, she manages to invest the character with an aching sense of humanity, while not downplaying Beatrice’s pettiness and sense of self-pity."
-James Hebert
SD Union Tribune
-James Hebert
SD Union Tribune
"Driscoll gives a comically volcanic performance as Margery."
-J. Hebert
SD Union Tribune
-J. Hebert
SD Union Tribune